Rough listing of all United States Postal Service ZIP codes including both domestic and international ZIP codes for research purposes. ZIP codes CHANGE from time to time and therefore these listings are NOT completely current. For example, Chantilly, Virginia was shown in this list as 22021 but that has been changed now to 20151 and 20152. Domestic ZIP codes are listed with the ZIP code followed by the city, state, and country names. International ZIP codes are listed followed by the country name.Use the USPS Search By City ZIP code web lookup for current city ZIP codes and use the USPS Search By Address ZIP code web lookup to find the 9 digit ZIP code for a specific address.
Each cell in this table contains a three-digit ZIP code prefix, the state where that ZIP code prefix is located, and the name of the United States Postal Service (USPS) Sectional Center Facility (SCF) that serves that ZIP code prefix, which may be in a different state. Each SCF may serve more than one three-digit ZIP code prefix. Each SCF serves local addresses whose five-digit ZIP codes start with the same set of prefixes.[1]
9 digit zip code for new castle pa
The Census Bureau and other state and federal agencies are responsible for assigning geographic identifiers, or GEOIDs, to geographic entities to facilitate the organization, presentation, and exchange of geographic and statistical data. GEOIDs are numeric codes that uniquely identify all administrative/legal and statistical geographic areas for which the Census Bureau tabulates data. From Alaska, the largest state, to the smallest census block in New York City, every geographic area has a unique GEOID. Some of the most common administrative/legal and statistical geographic entities with unique GEOIDs include states, counties, congressional districts, core based statistical areas (metropolitan and micropolitan areas), census tracts, block groups and census blocks.
The American National Standards Institute (ANSI), US Census Bureau, US Department of Education, US Geological Survey (USGS) and individual states all maintain GEOIDs contained in census products. The ANSI, in particular, is responsible for maintaining Federal Information Processing Series (FIPS) codes and Geographic Names Information System (GNIS) codes. A wide audience uses FIPS codes and GNIS codes across many private and public datasets to uniquely identify geographic features.
The Census Bureau has published FIPS codes in census products for more than 30 years. FIPS codes are assigned alphabetically by geographic name for states, counties, core based statistical areas, places, county subdivisions, consolidated cities and all types of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) areas. Lists of geographic FIPS codes in census products can be found on the ANSI/FIPS Codes page.
Geographic features in the GNIS do not have nesting relationships, as they do in the FIPS database. Instead, GNIS codes are assigned sequentially, in chronological order, based on date of entry in the database. Many cultural and physical geographic features are codified in the GNIS, including airports, beaches, cemeteries, churches, hospitals, islands, lakes, populated places, post offices, rivers, schools, streams and swamps. The table below illustrates how FIPS codes and GNIS codes are codified and how the databases differ from one another.
The Census Bureau creates and maintains geographic codes for many statistical geographic areas that are not covered by FIPS codes and GNIS codes. These geographic areas include census divisions, census regions, census tracts, block groups, census blocks and urban areas. The full GEOID for many levels of geography combines both the FIPS codes and Census Bureau codes. For example, census tracts, block groups and census blocks nest within state and county; therefore, the GEOIDs for each of these geographic areas contains both the state and county FIPS codes, in which they nest.
The US Department of Education is responsible for issuing and maintaining geographic codes for elementary, secondary and unified school districts throughout the nation. Also, individual states use state-defined standards to establish geographic codes for voting districts and state legislative upper (senate) and lower (house) districts. Voting districts nest within counties and consequently, voting district GEOIDs contain both state and county FIPS codes. Similarly, state FIPS codes comprise a portion of school district and state legislative district GEOIDs, as they share a nesting relationship within states. 2ff7e9595c